Tuesday, April 2, 2013

El Salvador Fundraising!

I am thrilled and feel blessed that I have been given the opportunity to be a part of a mission travel team to El Salvador in August. I will be joining a team of several other people from my school, Bellevue Christian High School. We will be ministering with Niños Tres Ríos. N3R is a Christian organization that ministers to the poor of El Salvador. They provide educational and disabilities assistance to children in the Nahuizalco area of El Salvador. We will partner with them in encouraging students to strive for success and create change in their communities.
I am excited about the opportunity and experience that lie ahead and I hope you see the value in what we hope to accomplish. I am trusting God’s provision and I am hopeful that my friends and family will join me in this service opportunity by contributing to my trip expenses. I need to raise $2,200 by May 13th. All the funds I raise for this trip will be used by BCS to cover the team’s expenses and any funds raised in excess of our overall budget will not be refunded or applied to any purpose other than to bless the people we are serving in El Salvador. All gifts are tax deductible and will be receipted by BCS in January, 2014.
Should you be able and feel led to help me participate in this service opportunity in El Salvador, please use the directions below to make your contribution using BCS’ secure online giving system, the school’s desired system for its team members to receive contributions. If you prefer, you may send me a check made payable to Bellevue Christian School. Please put the words “Jennifer Clark El Salvador Mission” in the memo line on the check.

If you are able to help financially, I am very grateful. But while money is important, it comes a distant second to my need for your prayer support. I desire your prayers for me as I prepare for this trip and also for the people that God may allow me to encounter and bless.
With thanks,
Jennifer Clark
Directions for BCS Online Giving:
  1. Go to this blog's home page. There will be a link to a page on the right-hand side titled "BCS Donation Site".
  2. On the Donation Form page, scroll down and click on the “Missions” box. Categories for Mission Travel will now be showing. Click on the El Salvador category. (I know it says 2012 but that is only an updating error.)
  3. In the $ amount box located near the category name, input the amount of your contribution.
  4. Now type my name in the box where it indicates “Specify Name”.
  5. Input Matching Gift information, if applicable.
  6. Scroll down the page a bit to input “Your Information” and “Contact Information”. (By inputting your information, you will not be solicited by BCS for other giving.)
  7. Once you’ve inputted this information, scroll to end of page and click on “Enter Credit Card Info”.
  8. When you’ve finished entering your credit card information, click on “Donate Now”.
  9. In your e-mail inbox, you’ll find a Purchase Confirmation and a Web Donation Receipt.
  10. Thanks so much!